Trends in Interior Design

Think Interior
7 min readJan 15, 2023


Interior design is an ever-evolving field, constantly influenced by new materials, technologies, and cultural shifts. As we move into the 2020s, several key trends are emerging that will shape the way we design and decorate our homes and workplaces.

You can learn about different trends in interior design through an interior design diploma program. This course will explore various current and emerging trends in the field of interior design. It will provide an overview of the different styles, materials, and techniques used to create modern spaces, as well as discuss the use of color, texture, and technology in interior design. This course will also touch on sustainability and how to source materials responsibly.


One of the most significant trends in interior design is a focus on sustainability. This means using eco-friendly materials and building practices and incorporating elements that promote energy efficiency and healthy living. For example, many designers are now using reclaimed wood and other repurposed materials in their projects and are incorporating features such as green roofs, solar panels, and rainwater harvesting systems.

One way that designers incorporate sustainability into their projects is by using reclaimed wood and other repurposed materials. This reduces waste and adds character and history to a space. Natural fibers like linen, hemp, and jute are more frequent as they are biodegradable and renewable.

Another aspect of sustainability in interior design is the incorporation of green technology. Features such as green roofs, solar panels, and rainwater harvesting systems are becoming more common in construction and renovation projects. This not only helps to reduce the environmental impact of a building but also helps to lower energy costs for the occupants.

LED lighting is also increasingly used in interior design as it is energy-efficient and has a long lifespan. Innovative home technology is also being integrated into homes, allowing for greater control over lighting and temperature, resulting in energy savings.

In conclusion, sustainability is becoming a crucial aspect of interior design. It not only helps to reduce the environmental impact of buildings but also promotes healthy living, energy efficiency, and well-being. Designers and architects are incorporating sustainable materials and technologies into their projects and creating beautiful and responsible spaces.

Materials And Textures

Another trend that is gaining popularity is using natural materials and textures. This includes stone, wood, linen, and organic shapes and forms. This trend creates spaces more in tune with nature and promotes a sense of calm and well-being.


One of the most popular natural materials in interior design is wood for making flooring, furniture, and decorative accents. Hardwood flooring is a timeless choice that adds warmth and character to a space. Reclaimed wood can also add an element of history and character to a space.


Stone is another popular natural material used in interior design. Stone in flooring, countertops, and accent walls. Marble and granite are famous for countertops as they are durable and add a luxurious feel to a space. Limestone and slate are popular choices for flooring as they are durable and add a natural feel to a space.


Linen is a popular natural material used in textile design. Linen is a durable and breathable material that is perfect for upholstery and window treatments. It adds a natural feel to a space and can create a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

Another trend that is gaining popularity is using natural fibers such as hemp and jute in textiles and rugs. These fibers are biodegradable and renewable, making them an eco-friendly choice.

Using natural materials and textures in interior design creates spaces more in tune with nature and promotes a sense of calm and well-being. Natural material creates a warm, inviting atmosphere and adds a sense of character and history to a space. As we spend more time indoors, incorporating natural materials and textures in interior design will become increasingly important in creating spaces that are not just beautiful but also healthy for our minds and body.


Minimalism is also a popular trend in interior design. Clean lines, simple forms, and a lack of clutter characterize this style. It is often associated with contemporary design but can be adapted to suit many different tastes and styles. A desire for simplicity and a sense of calm in our fast-paced world drives the minimalism trend.

A desire for simplicity and a sense of calm in our fast-paced world drives the minimalism trend. The focus is on creating an uncluttered space and easy on the eyes, allowing for a sense of tranquility. This is achieved by using a limited color palette, choosing simple and functional furniture, and eliminating unnecessary decorative elements.

Use Of Negative Space

One of the critical elements of minimalism is the use of negative space. This refers to the space in a room, which can be just as important as the filled space. Negative space helps create a sense of balance and harmony, making a small space feel larger.


Furniture in minimalist design is usually functional and straightforward. Pieces are often made of natural wood, leather, and metal and have clean lines and simple forms. Decorative elements are a minimum, with a focus on the functionality and simplicity of the space.


Lighting is also an essential aspect of minimalist design. The use of natural light is emphasized, with large windows and skylights being used to bring in as much natural light as possible. Artificial lighting is kept simple, with recessed or track lighting to provide task lighting.

Use Of Bold, Bright Colors

Another trend that is becoming increasingly popular is using bold, bright colors. This can be in everything from wall paint to furniture and accessories. This trend injects fun and excitement into our lives and creates lively and energizing spaces.

One of the ways that designers incorporate bold, bright colors into their projects is through the use of statement walls. This involves painting one wall in a room a bold, bright color, which serves as a focal point and draws the eye. This technique creates a sense of drama and excitement in a room with neutral or subdued colors in the rest of the space.

Another way designers incorporate bold, bright colors is through colorful furniture and accessories. This can include brightly colored sofas, armchairs, throw pillows, and patterned rugs and curtains. This technique can add personality and character to a space and create a lively and energizing atmosphere.

The use of bold, bright colors is not limited to any particular design style. It can be incorporated into traditional and contemporary spaces and create a sense of drama and excitement in any room.

Bright colors express one’s personality in their home. It can be a way to showcase one’s favorite color or a way to create a specific mood or feeling in a room. It can also add a sense of playfulness and energy to a space.

Use Of Technology

One of the most exciting trends in interior design is the use of technology. This includes smart home systems, augmented reality, and virtual reality. These technologies create new and exciting ways to experience our homes and workplaces, making them more interactive and responsive to our needs.

One of the most popular ways that technology in interior design is through integrating smart home systems. These systems allow homeowners to control lighting, temperature, security, and other aspects of their home from a single device, such as a Smartphone or tablet. This device remotely allows homeowners to control their homes from anywhere in the world. Innovative home systems also allow for greater energy efficiency, as homeowners can control lighting and temperature to reduce energy consumption.

Augmented and virtual reality is also used in interior design to create new and exciting ways to experience a space. These technologies allow homeowners and designers to visualize a space before builts, making it easier to make design decisions and ensure that a space will meet their needs. They also allow for virtual walkthroughs, allowing homeowners to experience a space before builts.

In addition to innovative home systems, many other ways are into interior design. For example, digital wallpaper can create interactive and dynamic spaces, while sensor-based lighting systems can create an ambient atmosphere in a room.

In conclusion, technology is an exciting interior design trend that creates new and innovative ways to experience our homes and workplaces. Technologies such as smart home systems, augmented reality, and virtual reality create more interactive spaces responsive to our needs. Integrating technology into interior design is about adding convenience and creating dynamic and immersive spaces that enhance the way we live.

Incorporation Of Nature

A trend that is becoming more popular is Biophilia, which is the incorporation of nature into design. This includes using plants, natural light, and materials to design buildings and spaces. Biophilia is believed to impact human well-being positively and is becoming increasingly important as more and more people spend their time indoors.

Biophilia is not just about incorporating nature into the design of space; it’s also about creating a connection to nature. This can achieve by creating a view of nature, using natural materials and colors, or incorporating elements such as water, rocks, or wood into a space.


Overall, these trends in interior design reflect a desire for spaces that are sustainable, calming, and in tune with nature. They also reflect a passion for technology that makes our homes and workplaces more responsive and interactive. As we move into the 2023s, we expect to see these trends continue to evolve and shape how we design and decorate our homes and workplaces.

To pursue an interior design career, you must learn interior design trends. You may wonder what courses for interior design trends you must take. There are a variety of options available to choose from. These courses will discuss the topics of digital technology and its role in designing spaces, as well as cover topics such as artificial intelligence, game theory, and augmented reality. Furthermore, it will provide insights into how to use these technologies to create unique experiences in the home or office. Finally, this course will explore how to stay updated on the latest styles and trends in interior design.



Think Interior

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