Making Your Mark: The Art of Creating a Stunning Gallery Wall

Think Interior
7 min readFeb 10, 2023


Creating a gallery wall is an art form in itself. It requires careful planning, attention to detail, and creativity. Whether you’re an interior design diploma-certified interior designer, an experienced art collector, or just starting, creating a gallery wall is a stunning approach to showcasing your art collection and adding visual interest to your home. A well-designed gallery wall can transform any room into a stunning display that becomes the focal point of your space. This article will discover the phases used in creating a gallery wall, from measuring your space and planning your layout to hanging your art and maintaining its quality. Whether you’re looking to create a dramatic statement or add a trace of dominance to your home, a gallery wall is a beautiful and timeless addition that is sure to impress.

A Guide to Displaying Your Art Collection

A gallery wall is a beautiful way to display your art collection and add character to any room in your home. Whether you have a few favorite paintings, photographs, or a collection of prints, a gallery wall is a great way to show them off. With a little planning, you can create a stunning display that will be the focal point of any room.

1. Gather Your Art

Once you have a perfect hint of the style and purpose of your gallery wall, you can start gathering your art. Consider the size and scale of the pieces, as well as their color, texture, and composition. You’ll want to choose pieces that complement each other and work well together to create a harmonious display.

2. Choose Your Picture Hanging Hardware

Once you have a clear plan for your gallery wall, it’s time to choose your picture-hanging hardware. You’ll need to decide between a picture hanging wire, which is adjustable, or a fixed picture rail, which is a more permanent solution. You’ll also need to choose the right hooks and nails to hang your pictures. Make sure to choose hardware that is strong enough to hold the weight of your artwork and is appropriate for the wall type you have in your home.

3. Arrange Your Art on the Floor

Before you start hanging your art, arrange it on the floor to see how it will look on the wall. Play around with different arrangements until you find the one you like best. Once you’re happy with the arrangement, take a photo or sketch to help you remember where each piece goes.

4. Determine the Style and Purpose of Your Gallery Wall

Before you start gathering your art and planning your layout, it’s important to determine the style and purpose of your gallery wall. Consider the room it will be in, the type of art you want to display, and the mood you want to create. For example, create a dramatic and bold display for a living room or a calm and peaceful display for a bedroom.

5. Choose the Right Art Pieces

When selecting art for your gallery wall, consider the size and scale of each piece, as well as their color, texture, and composition. Choose pieces that complement each other and create a harmonious display. You may also consider grouping similar pieces together, such as all black and white photos or all watercolor paintings.

6. Hang Your Art with Care

When hanging your art, start with the largest pieces and work to the smaller ones. Use a level to ensure each piece is straight, and adjust as needed. You may also want to use a tape measure to ensure the pieces are spaced evenly.

7. Evaluate Your Display and Make Adjustments

Once you’ve finished hanging your art, step back and evaluate your gallery wall. Does it look balanced and harmonious? Are the pieces spaced evenly? Do they look straight and level? If not, make any necessary adjustments.

8. Add the Finishing Touches

Finally, it’s time to finalize your gallery wall. Consider adding lighting, such as picture lights, to highlight your artwork. You can add decorative elements, such as vases or candles, to complement your art. Just be careful not to overpower the display with too many extras.

Tips and Tricks for Creating a Gallery Wall that Stands Out

1. Mix and Match Frames

Consider mixing different frames to add texture and interest when creating your gallery wall. You can mix and match different colors, materials, and styles of frames, such as black metal frames, wooden frames, and even natural wood branches.

2. Use Odd Numbers

Try using odd numbers, such as three, five, or seven, when grouping art pieces together. Odd numbers look more visually appealing and create a more balanced display.

3. Create a Focal Point

When planning your layout, consider creating a focal point, such as a large piece of art or a cluster of smaller pieces. It will help draw the eye to the center of the display and make your gallery wall more visually interesting.

4. Play with Proportion

When hanging your art, consider playing with proportion by placing larger pieces on the bottom and smaller pieces on top. It will create visual interest in your display.

5. Vary the Height of Your Pieces

When hanging your art, consider varying the height of each piece.

6. Group Similar Pieces Together

Consider grouping similar pieces together, such as all black and white photos or all watercolor paintings. It will help create a cohesive look and make your display more visually interesting.

7. Use Symmetry

Use symmetry when hanging your art by placing pieces evenly on either side of a center point. It will create a balanced and harmonious display.

8. Take Your Time

Creating a gallery wall is a process, so take your time and don’t rush it. Make adjustments as needed, and be willing to try diverse measures until you find the suitable one.

How to Choose the Right Art for Your Gallery Wall

1. Consider the Room

Think about the room where the gallery wall will be displayed. What colors and decor are already present in the room? Choose art that complements or contrasts with the existing colors and styles.

2. Choose a Theme

Consider choosing a theme for your gallery wall. A theme could be anything from a particular color palette, subject matter (e.g., nature, cityscapes, portraits), or era (e.g., vintage, modern). Having a theme will help you choose art that fits together cohesively.

3. Invest in Quality Art

When choosing art for your gallery wall, consider investing in quality pieces. Look for pieces that are well-made and made from high-quality materials. It will ensure that your art will look great for years and hold its value.

4. Mix and Match

Consider mixing and matching diverse styles and modes of art. For example, you could include a painting, a photograph, and a print. It will add interest and depth to your gallery wall.

5. Get Personal

Incorporating personal items, such as family photos or sentimental mementos, can add a special touch to your gallery wall. These personal items will add meaning and depth to your display and make it unique.

6. Have Fun

Most importantly, have fun when choosing the art for your gallery wall. Choose pieces that you love and that make you happy. Remember, the purpose of your gallery wall is to showcase your art collection and to reflect your style.

How to Hang Art on Your Gallery Wall

1. Measure Your Space

Before hanging any art, it’s important to measure your space. Determine the size of the wall where the gallery wall will be displayed and the size of the individual pieces of art you will be hanging.

2. Plan Your Layout

Once you have your measurements, it’s time to plan your layout. Consider the size and shape of the wall, as well as the size and shape of each piece of art. You can use graph paper to plan your layout and get an idea of how each piece will fit together.

3. Use a Level

When hanging your art, it’s important to use a level to confirm that each piece is straight. It will help create a balanced and harmonious display.

4. Use Picture Hangers

Consider using picture hangers to hang your art. Picture hangers are designed to support the weight of your art and will help keep your pieces straight and secure.

5. Hang Large Pieces First

When hanging your art, consider hanging the large pieces first and then filling them in with the smaller pieces. It will help create a balanced and harmonious display.

6. Space Your Pieces Appropriately

When hanging your art, consider spacing your pieces appropriately. You can use a measuring tape to ensure that each piece is spaced evenly from one other.

7. Adjust as Needed

After hanging your art, step back and assess your display. If you find that certain pieces need to be adjusted, go ahead and make the necessary changes. It’s important to be patient and take your time when hanging your art.

How to Maintain Your Gallery Wall

1. Avoid Hanging Art in Direct Sunlight

It’s important to avoid hanging it in direct sunlight to maintain the quality of your art. The sun can cause fading, discoloration, and damage your art over time.

2. Keep Art Out of Humid Areas

Moisture can also damage your art, so keeping your gallery wall out of humid areas is important. It includes bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.

3. Dust Regularly

Dusting it regularly is important to keep your art looking its best. Dust can accumulate on the surface of your art and cause damage over time.

4. Handle Art with Care

When handling your art, it’s important to do so with care. Use clean, dry hands and handle your art by its frame or matting, not the glass.

5. Store Art Properly

When not in use, it’s important to store your art properly. Store it in a dry, cool place and protect it from moisture, dust, and sunlight.

6. Have Art Professionally Cleaned

Over time, your art may become dirty or damaged. Consider having it professionally cleaned to restore its beauty and protect its value.


In conclusion, hanging art on your gallery wall is a process that requires planning and patience. By following these tips and tricks, you can create a stunning display that will be the focal point of any room.

In the fashion and interior design courses program, students will learn how to use these elements to create a visually appealing and functional space, including the design and arrangement of a gallery wall. They will also learn how to select and curate artwork and accessories that complement the overall design scheme and use lighting to showcase the pieces on the wall effectively.



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