Interior Design Crash Course: From Novice to Designer

Think Interior
7 min readJan 15, 2024


Embarking on a journey from novice to designer can be both exhilarating and challenging. The interior course is designed to be a transformative experience, condensing essential knowledge and skills into an accelerated learning program.

Look for an interior design course that covers fundamental principles and practical applications and perhaps offers a project-based approach to simulate real-world design scenarios. In this detailed exploration, we’ll navigate through the various facets of the crash course, offering insights into each crucial component.

The Fundamentals of Interior Design

Interior design, as an art and science, rests on the bedrock of fundamental principles that guide every creative decision. The Fundamentals of Interior Design module in our crash course lays the groundwork for aspiring designers, ensuring they understand and can adeptly apply the core elements that shape captivating and functional spaces.

Color Theory and Psychology

- Understanding Color Schemes: Participants delve into the intricacies of color theory, exploring the impact of different color schemes on emotions and perceptions.

- Psychological Effects: The module emphasizes the psychological effects of colors, teaching designers how to use hues strategically to evoke specific feelings in a space.

Spatial Arrangements and Balance

- Balancing Elements: A crucial aspect of interior design, participants learn how to balance elements within a space. It includes furniture placement, architectural features, and decorative items.

- Principles of Balance: Exploring principles such as symmetrical and asymmetrical balance, designers understand how to create visually harmonious environments.

Proportion and Scale

- Achieving Visual Harmony: The module delves into the significance of proportion and scale in design. Participants grasp how to ensure elements within a room relate to one another harmoniously.

- Human Scale: Understanding human scale is highlighted, ensuring that designs are visually pleasing but also comfortable and functional for occupants.

By mastering these fundamentals, aspiring designers gain a solid foundation to build their creative visions. This module imparts theoretical knowledge and emphasizes practical applications, encouraging participants to apply these principles in their design projects throughout the crash course. The Fundamentals of Interior Design serves as the cornerstone, allowing designers to navigate the complex and rewarding world of interior design with confidence and proficiency.

Essential Tools and Technologies

In the contemporary realm of interior design, proficiency in essential tools and technologies is a non-negotiable aspect of a designer’s skill set. The “Essential Tools and Technologies” module in our crash course is a gateway for participants to harness the power of digital advancements, elevating their design capabilities and communication. Here’s an in-depth exploration of the crucial elements covered in this module:

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software

- Overview: Participants are introduced to CAD software, a cornerstone of modern interior design. Software like AutoCAD facilitates the creation of precise 2D and 3D drawings, allowing designers to visualize and communicate their ideas effectively.

- Hands-On Practice: Practical sessions guide participants through the basics of CAD, from drawing floor plans to creating detailed 3D models. It empowers them to translate concepts into tangible representations.

3D Modeling and Visualization Tools

- Introduction to 3D Modeling: Designers explore tools like SketchUp and Rhino for 3D modeling. These platforms enable the creation of lifelike, immersive representations of interior spaces.

- Realistic Rendering: Understanding the nuances of realistic rendering ensures that designers can present their concepts visually compellingly, helping clients envision the outcome.

Graphic Design Software

- Importance of Graphic Design: Graphic design plays a pivotal role in creating visually appealing presentations. Participants delve into software like Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) to enhance their graphic design skills.

- Creating Mood Boards and Presentations: Designers learn how to craft mood boards and presentations that effectively convey their design concepts, incorporating images, textures, and color palettes.

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR)

- Immersive Experiences: VR and AR technologies are introduced as tools to provide immersive experiences for clients. Participants understand how these technologies enhance client presentations by allowing them to virtually “walk through” designed spaces.

Interior Design Apps

- Exploration of Apps: Designers explore specialized interior design apps that streamline various aspects of the design process. From mood board creation to furniture placement, these apps enhance efficiency.

- Mobile Design Solutions: Understanding the role of mobile apps in design ensures that designers can work on the go, accessing essential tools and resources from their mobile devices.

By immersing themselves in these essential tools and technologies, participants in the crash course gain a competitive edge in the contemporary interior design landscape. The module not only imparts technical skills but also fosters a mindset of adaptability, ensuring that designers can navigate the evolving digital design landscape with confidence and creativity.

Space Planning and Layout Design

In the Interior Design Crash Course, the module on Space Planning and Layout Design is a pivotal segment that transforms a space from a blank canvas into a harmonious and functional environment. This section equips aspiring designers with the skills to optimize spatial arrangements, balancing aesthetics and practicality. Here’s an in-depth exploration of the key elements covered in this module:

Understanding Client Needs

- Client Collaboration: Participants learn the art of effective communication with clients to discern their needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

- Functional Requirements: Designers understand how to translate client requirements into practical spatial solutions, ensuring that the layout caters to aesthetic and functional considerations.

Analyzing Space Dynamics

- Architectural Considerations: The module delves into the impact of architectural features on space planning. Designers learn to work with windows, doors, and structural components.

- Spatial Constraints: Understanding spatial constraints, such as room dimensions and structural limitations, is essential for effective layout design.

Furniture Arrangement Principles

- Balance and Proportion: Participants explore principles of balance and proportion in furniture arrangement, ensuring that pieces complement each other and the overall design.

- Traffic Flow: Designers grasp the importance of creating intuitive traffic flow within a space, avoiding obstructions, and ensuring ease of movement.

By immersing themselves in the intricacies of space planning and layout design, participants in the crash course gain the proficiency to transform spaces into functional, aesthetically pleasing environments. This module is a cornerstone in the journey from novice to designer, empowering individuals to craft interiors seamlessly blending form and function.

Project Management and Budgeting

In the Interior Design Crash Course, the Personal Branding and Networking module is critical beyond design skills, empowering participants to establish a solid professional presence in the competitive design landscape. This section explores the art of presenting oneself as a designer, building a distinct brand identity, and fostering meaningful connections within the industry. Here’s a detailed exploration of the key components covered in this module:

Defining Your Design Identity

- Self-Reflection: Participants embark on a journey of self-discovery, identifying their unique design style, values, and ethos.

- Articulating Design Philosophy: Designers learn how to articulate their design philosophy cohesively, setting the foundation for their brand.

Creating a Professional Portfolio

- Portfolio Curation: Guidance is provided on curating a professional portfolio that showcases the breadth and depth of a designer’s work.

- Digital Presence: The module emphasizes the importance of an online portfolio, exploring platforms to host and share design projects.

By mastering the principles of personal branding and networking, participants in the crash course go beyond mere design proficiency, positioning themselves as dynamic and reputable professionals in the interior design realm. This module serves as a compass, guiding individuals to navigate the intricacies of personal and professional identity, ultimately contributing to a successful and fulfilling career in interior design.

Personal Branding and Networking

In the dynamic world of interior design, personal branding, and networking are essential components for building a successful and enduring career. This module within the Interior Design Crash Course is designed to equip aspiring designers with the skills and strategies needed to carve out a distinctive professional identity and establish meaningful connections within the industry. Let’s delve into the critical elements of this transformative module:

Crafting a Distinctive Visual Identity

- Logo and Brand Elements: Designers explore the creation of a personal logo and visual elements that encapsulate their design aesthetic.

- Consistency Across Platforms: Ensuring visual consistency across various mediums and platforms reinforces a memorable and cohesive personal brand.

Effective Communication Strategies

- Storytelling Mastery: Designers delve into the art of storytelling, learning how to narrate their design journey, projects, and the underlying principles that define their work.

- Client Engagement Skills: Effective communication with clients is emphasized, focusing on building trust and fostering understanding throughout the design process.

By mastering the principles of personal branding and networking, participants in the crash course not only refine their design skills but also position themselves as dynamic and reputable professionals in the competitive field of interior design. This module serves as a compass, guiding individuals toward creating a powerful personal brand that resonates with clients, collaborators, and the design community.

Continuous Learning and Next Steps

In the ever-evolving interior design landscape, embracing continuous learning is imperative for staying at the forefront of the industry. As aspiring designers conclude the Interior Design Crash Course, the journey doesn’t end; it transforms into a pathway of continual growth. To further enhance their skills and credibility, individuals are encouraged to explore affordable and accessible educational avenues. Pursuing the cheapest online interior design degree can be a strategic next step, providing a formalized and comprehensive education that aligns with budget-conscious considerations. These programs offer specialized knowledge and empower designers to navigate emerging trends, sustainable practices, and advanced technologies, ensuring they remain adept and competitive in the dynamic field of interior design.


The Interior Design Crash Course is a holistic and condensed learning experience that equips novices with the skills and knowledge to become competent interior designers. From mastering the fundamentals to staying current with industry trends, this crash course is a launching pad for aspiring designers. As they embark on their next steps, participants are not just armed with a certificate but with newfound confidence to sculpt captivating and functional interior spaces.



Think Interior

Think Interior provides you with the highest standards of education in interior design to enhance your ability of creating ideas.