How to Incorporate Color Trends without Overdoing

Think Interior
8 min readJan 25, 2023


Color is one of the most effective tools that interior designers have at their disposal. It can change the mood, feel, and atmosphere of a room. However, incorporating color trends can be tricky because it is easy to overdo it, making the space feel overwhelming or outdated. This article will explore how to incorporate color trends into your design without overdoing it. From understanding the psychology of color to using accents, layering, and textures, we will discuss various ways to incorporate color trends in a cohesive and balanced way. We will also examine some of the most popular color trends for the current year and discuss how to use them effectively in your design. Whether you are a professional designer or a home decorator, this article will provide you with the tools and tips to incorporate color trends into your design confidently.

How to Incorporate Color Trends into Your Design?

Incorporating color trends into your home or business decor can be a great way to stay on top of current styles and create a visually appealing space. However, it is vital not to ruin it and create an overwhelming or chaotic space. Here are a few tips for incorporating color trends subtly and stylishly:

Start with a Neutral Base

Before introducing any bold or trendy colors, establish a neutral base for your space. This could include white or beige walls, neutral furniture, and neutral flooring. This will provide a backdrop for your color choices and help them stand out subtly.

Introduce Color through Accents

Instead of using bold colors as the main focus of your space, use them as accents. This could include throwing pillows, artwork, or decor items like vases or candle holders. This allows you to incorporate the latest color trends without overwhelming the space.

Use a Color Palette

Choose a color palette that includes a few different shades of the same color. This creates a cohesive look and helps prevent your space from becoming too chaotic. You can choose a color trend as your main color and use different shades throughout the space.

Mix and Match

Feel free to mix and match different colors and patterns. This can create a fun and interesting space. But be careful with too many colors and patterns, as it can make the space feel cluttered.

Be Mindful of Lighting

Lighting can greatly affect how colors appear in space. Be mindful of the lighting in your space and how it might affect the colors you choose. Natural light can make colors appear more vibrant, while artificial light can make them more muted.

Experiment with Textures

Another way to incorporate color trends without overwhelming your space is to experiment with different textures. This can include using other fabrics, patterns, or even textures in your furniture and decor.

Keep in Mind the Style of the Space

The style of the space is another important factor to consider when incorporating color trends. A more traditional space may require a more subdued approach, while a modern space may allow for bolder choices.

Be Consistent

It is vital to be steady with your color choices throughout the space. Inconsistency can make the space feel cohesive and coordinated.

Use Color as a Focal Point

Creating a focal point in a room helps draw the eye and make balance. One way to incorporate color trends without overdoing it is to use color as a focal point. This could be a feature wall painted in a bold color or a statement piece of furniture in a bright hue. This allows you to incorporate the latest color trends without overwhelming the space.

Add Greenery

Plants are a great way to add color and life to a space without overwhelming it. Choose plants that complement your color scheme and place them strategically to add visual interest. This also helps to purify the air and create a more inviting atmosphere.

Use Color in Unexpected Ways

Instead of using color in traditional ways, such as painting walls or adding decor, try using it in unexpected ways. This could include colorful lighting fixtures, colorful kitchen appliances, or even colorful furniture. This will help to create a unique and interesting space without overwhelming it.

Take a Gradual Approach

Take a gradual approach if you need help incorporating color trends into your space. Start with small accents, such as throw pillows or artwork, and then add more color as you become more comfortable with it. This allows you to experiment with different colors and find what works best for your space.

Be Mindful of the Mood

The colors you choose can greatly affect the mood of a space. Be mindful of the mood you want to create and select colors that complement it. For example, cool colors like blue and green can create a calming atmosphere, while warm colors like red and orange can create a more energetic atmosphere.

Have Fun

Finally, do not take the process of incorporating color trends too seriously. Have fun with it, and be open to experimenting. Remember that it is your space and should reflect your style and preferences.

Use Color Strategically

Consider the purpose of each room or area and choose colors that will enhance that purpose. For example, in a bedroom, you may use calming colors to promote relaxation. You can use bright colors in a kitchen to create a lively and energizing atmosphere. In a living room, use a neutral palette to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Test the Colors

Before committing to a color, it is important to test it first. Paint a small sample on the wall or get a fabric or wallpaper. Live with it for a few days and see how it looks in different lights and times of the day. This will give you a better idea of how the color will look in the space.

Be Flexible

Trends come and go, but your taste should be the main focus. Do not feel you must follow a trend if it doesn’t fit your style. Instead, take inspiration from the trend and adapt it to your taste.

Balance the Space

When incorporating color into a space, it is important to balance it with other elements. This includes using texture, pattern, and lighting to create a harmonious and cohesive look.

Consider the Context

The context of the space is also important when incorporating color. The color scheme should be appropriate for the location and the people using it. For example, a business setting may require more subdued colors, while a home setting may allow for more playful and bold choices.

Use Color to Create Flow

Color can be used to create a sense of flow throughout a space. You can do this by using a monochromatic color scheme, where different shades of the same color are used throughout the space, or by using a complementary color scheme, where colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are used to create a sense of balance.

Consider the Size of the Space

The size of the space should also be taken into consideration when incorporating color. Using too many or bold colors in small spaces can make the space feel cramped. Instead, opt for a neutral color palette with a few pops of color. You can use bold colors in larger areas to create a sense of drama and make the space more inviting.

Use Color to Highlight Architectural Features

You can also use colors to highlight architectural features in a space. For example, painting a fireplace or an accent wall in a bold color can draw attention to it and make it a focal point.

Use Color to Create a Theme

Color can create a theme or a specific mood in a space. For example, shades of blue and green can create a beach or coastal theme, while shades of yellow and orange can create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Make Sure the Colors Match

When incorporating color trends, it is important to ensure the colors match. This includes ensuring that the colors complement each other and comparing the space’s overall style.

Use Color to Create Depth

Color can also create depth and dimension in space. You can achieve this by using a gradient of colors, where the colors gradually change from light to dark or vice versa. You can accomplish this by using a contrasting color scheme, where colors opposite each other on the color wheel are used to create a sense of depth and dimension.

Use Color to Create Movement

You can use colors to create a sense of movement in space. You can use diagonal lines or asymmetrical shapes to develop an understanding of flow or a gradient of colors to create a sense of movement.

Use Color to Create Scale

Color can also create a sense of scale in space. You can achieve this by using dark colors to make a room feel smaller or light colors to make a space feel larger.

Use Color to Create an Atmosphere

Color can also create a sense of atmosphere in a space. You can use warm colors to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere or cool colors to create a calm and serene atmosphere.

Use Color to Create Personality

Lastly, color can create a sense of personality in a space. You can use colors that reflect your style and preferences and express your unique personality and interests.

How to Learn Incorporating Color Trends in Your Design?

You can learn how to incorporate color trends without overdoing them through an interior design diploma program in interior design. These programs typically cover the fundamentals of color theory and its application in interior design. They will teach you about the psychological effects of color, how to use color to create a mood or atmosphere, and how to create a cohesive design.

You will also learn how to use color in a way that is both on-trend and timeless so that your design will look modern in a few years. Additionally, you will learn how to use color as an accent, layer color, and use textures and patterns to create interest and depth in a space.

A diploma program in interior design will also help you develop your design style, build a portfolio of your work, and give you the skills and knowledge you need to pursue a career in interior design. You can find what qualification required for interior designing course in colleges, universities, and private design schools.


In conclusion, incorporating color trends into your home or business decor can be a great way to stay on top of current styles and create a visually appealing space. However, it is important to do what is necessary and make a manageable space. By starting with a neutral base, introducing color through accents, using a color palette, mixing and matching, being mindful of lighting, experimenting with textures, keeping the style of the space in mind, being consistent, using color as a focal point, add greenery, use color in unexpected ways, take a gradual approach, being mindful of the mood and having fun, you can create a space that is both on-trend and stylish



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