Enhancing Interior Design through Lighting Design: Creating Mood and Highlighting Features

Think Interior
6 min readMar 27, 2023


Lighting is an essential aspect of interior design, playing a crucial role in creating the desired ambiance, highlighting specific features, and enhancing the overall design of a space. Effective lighting design can transform a room from ordinary to extraordinary, creating a sense of drama, depth, and warmth.

Enrolling in an interior design academy or school can teach you about enhancing interior design through lighting design. Many interior design programs cover the principles of lighting design and how it can enhance the mood and features of interior space. Here, we will explore how to enhance interior design through lighting design by creating mood and highlighting features.

Creating Mood

Lighting can create different moods in a room, depending on the desired effect. Soft, warm lighting creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere, while bright, cool lighting creates a more energetic and vibrant space. Dimmer switches are an effective way to control the lighting in a room, allowing you to adjust the intensity of the light to create the desired ambiance. Different lighting fixtures, such as chandeliers, pendant lights, and floor lamps, can also create different moods. Creating a mood is one of the most important aspects of lighting design in interior design. By using the right lighting, designers can enhance the mood of a space, making it feel warm and inviting or cool and energetic, depending on the desired effect. For example, dimmer, warmer lighting can create a cozy and intimate atmosphere in a bedroom or living room, while brighter, cooler lighting can energize a workspace or kitchen.

Furthermore, the type of lighting, placement, and intensity of fixtures can also affect the mood of a space. By combining overhead and task lighting, designers can create depth and dimension in a room, highlighting specific areas or features. Overall, creating mood through lighting design is an essential element of interior design, allowing designers to transform a space into a specific atmosphere or mood. With the right lighting choices and placement, designers can create unique and memorable environments that are functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Highlighting Features

Lighting can also be used to highlight specific features of a room, such as artwork, architectural details, or decorative objects. It is achieved using focused lighting, such as spotlights, to draw attention to these features. This technique adds depth and dimension to a space, drawing the eye to interesting elements and creating a sense of drama. Another important aspect of lighting design in interior design is highlighting features. By strategically placing lighting fixtures, designers can draw attention to specific areas or features of a space, such as artwork, architectural details, or focal points. It can create a sense of depth and interest in a room, making it feel more dynamic and visually appealing.

One popular technique for highlighting features is the use of accent lighting. It can be achieved through wall sconces, track lighting, or recessed lighting, among other methods. For example, directional lighting can highlight artwork or architectural features, while backlighting can create a dramatic effect or draw attention to a specific area. Another important consideration in highlighting features is the color temperature of the light. Different color temperatures can create different effects, such as warm lighting to create a cozy and intimate feel or cool lighting to create a more energetic atmosphere.

Consider the Color Temperature

When designing lighting, it is also essential to consider the color temperature of the light. Different color temperatures, measured in Kelvin, can affect the mood and ambiance of a space. Warm light, with a lower Kelvin rating, creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere, while cool light, with a higher Kelvin rating, creates a more energetic and vibrant space. When it comes to lighting design in interior design, it’s essential to consider the color temperature of the light. The color temperature of light is measured in degrees Kelvin (K) and can range from warm (around 2,700K) to cool (up to 6,500K). Different color temperatures can create different effects and moods in a space.

Warm lighting, with a color temperature of around 2,700K, can create a cozy and intimate feel in a space. This type of lighting is often used in residential settings such as bedrooms and living rooms. Cool lighting, with a color temperature of up to 6,500K, can create a more energetic and stimulating atmosphere. This type of lighting is often used in commercial spaces such as offices and retail stores. Overall, considering the color temperature of lighting is an important aspect of lighting design in interior design. By choosing the right color temperature and placement of fixtures, designers can create unique and visually appealing environments that enhance a space’s overall aesthetic and mood.

Energy Efficiency

Another important consideration in lighting design is energy efficiency. Choosing energy-efficient bulbs and fixtures can save money on electricity bills and reduce the carbon footprint of space. LED bulbs are an excellent choice for energy-efficient lighting, lasting longer and using less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. Energy efficiency is an important consideration when it comes to lighting design in interior design. Choosing energy-efficient lighting fixtures can not only save energy and reduce utility bills, but it can also reduce the environmental impact of a space. LED lighting, for example, is highly energy-efficient and has a longer lifespan than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Another way to improve energy efficiency in lighting design is through dimmer switches and timers. These devices can help reduce the energy consumed by lighting fixtures when not needed, such as during the day or when a space is not in use. Overall, energy efficiency is a crucial aspect of lighting design in interior design. By choosing energy-efficient lighting fixtures and implementing dimmer switches, timers, and natural lighting, designers can create sustainable and environmentally-friendly spaces that save energy costs.

Consider the Placement of Lighting

It is crucial to consider the placement of lighting fixtures in a space. Proper placement can avoid glare and create a balanced and visually appealing design. In addition, using lighting control systems, such as timers or motion sensors, can help maximize energy efficiency and reduce waste. The placement of lighting is an essential aspect of lighting design in interior design. Proper placement can enhance a space’s functionality and visual appeal while improving energy efficiency. It is important to consider the purpose of each area and the activities that will take place in that space when deciding on the placement of lighting.

For example, task lighting should be placed strategically to illuminate workspaces like desks or kitchen countertops. Ambient lighting should be dispersed evenly throughout a space to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Accent lighting can highlight specific features such as artwork or architectural details. Another important factor to consider is the level of control over the lighting. Dimmer switches, for example, can be used to adjust the intensity of the lighting to suit different needs and moods. By carefully considering the placement of lighting fixtures, designers can create functional and visually appealing spaces that meet their client’s needs while enhancing the overall aesthetic of the design.

Consider the Function

It is essential to consider the function of the space when designing lighting. For example, a home office may require bright task lighting, while a bedroom may require soft, dim lighting. Lighting can also create a sense of movement and flow in a space, such as placing lights along a hallway to create a path of light. When designing an interior space, it is important to consider the function of the space when choosing lighting fixtures. Different lighting fixtures and placement can greatly impact the functionality of a space. For example, a home office requires a bright and well-lit environment, while a living room or bedroom may require a more relaxing and comfortable ambiance. Task lighting is especially important for spaces that require specific functions, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and workspaces. Providing adequate lighting to ensure safety and efficiency in these areas is important. For instance, under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen can help with food preparation and cooking tasks.


Lighting design is a critical aspect of interior design, creating mood and highlighting features. Effective lighting design can transform a room from dull to dynamic, adding depth and drama. By considering the function of the space, choosing the right type of lighting fixtures, and using focused lighting to highlight specific features, designers can create unique and captivating interior designs. Whether you are designing a home or commercial space, lighting design is an essential element that should be considered.

In colleges with interior design courses, you may learn about the different types of lighting fixtures and their functions, the importance of color temperature, and how to create an energy-efficient lighting plan.



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