Embark on Your Interior Design Journey: A Beginner’s Guide to DIY Home Decoration

Think Interior
7 min readMay 24, 2023


Decorating your home is an exciting and creative endeavor that allows you to personalize your living space and make it your own. Whether moving into a new home or looking to refresh your current space, embarking on a DIY home decor project can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

You can learn about DIY home decor and embark on your interior design journey through an interior design course. To help you get started on your interior design journey, here’s a beginner’s guide to DIY home decoration.

Define Your Style

Before diving into the world of interior design, take some time to explore different styles and identify what resonates with you. Browse magazines, websites, and social media platforms to gather motivation and create a mood board of your favorite design elements. It will help you establish a cohesive and personalized style for your home.

Defining your style is a crucial step in DIY home decoration as it sets the foundation for your space’s overall look and feel. Here are several steps to help you define your style:

Gather Inspiration

Find inspiration from various sources such as interior design magazines, websites, social media platforms, and even home decor stores. Save images, create mood boards, and take note of design elements that resonate with you.

Analyze Your Preferences

Reflect on your personal preferences and lifestyle. Consider the colors, patterns, textures, and themes you find appealing. Consider whether you prefer a more traditional, contemporary, rustic, minimalist, or eclectic style.

Identify Key Elements

Look for common threads or recurring elements in the images and inspiration you’ve gathered. Do you prefer natural materials, clean lines, bold colors, or vintage accents? Identifying these key elements will help you establish your style direction.

Set a Budget

Determine how much you will pay out on your DIY home decoration project. Having a budget in mind will guide your purchasing decisions and ensure that you stay within your financial means. Consider allocating funds for essential items like furniture, decor, and necessary tools or materials.

Setting a budget is a vital step in any DIY home decoration project. It helps you plan and prioritize your expenses, ensuring you stay within your financial means. Here’s how you can set a budget for your DIY home decoration:

Evaluate Your Finances

Take a close look at your overall financial situation. Assess your income, savings, and any other financial commitments or obligations you have. It will give you a clear understanding of how much you can allocate toward your home decoration project.

Determine the Scope of the Project

Define the areas or rooms in your home that you plan to decorate. Consider if you want to makeover the entire space or focus on specific areas. Assess the level of work involved, such as painting, furniture updates, or smaller decorative changes.

Research Costs

Research the approximate costs of the materials, tools, and furnishings you’ll need for your project. Compare prices from different sources, both online and in physical stores, to get an idea of the range of expenses.

Plan Your Space

Take measurements of your rooms and create a floor plan. It will help you visualize the layout and determine how to utilize the available space best. Consider the functionality and flow of each room, keeping in mind the activities that will take place in them.

Planning your space is crucial in DIY home decoration as it helps you maximize your available resources and achieve your desired outcome. Here are some key considerations to help you effectively plan your space:

Assess the Function

Determine the primary function of the space you’re decorating. Is it a living room for repose, a bedroom for restful sleep, or a home office for productivity? Understanding the space’s intended purpose will guide your design choices and furniture selection.

Measure the Space

Take accurate measurements of the room, including the dimensions of walls, windows, doors, and architectural features. This information will help you determine the layout and ensure the furniture and other elements fit appropriately.

Create a Floor Plan

Use your measurements to create a floor plan of the space. You can do this manually with graph paper or use online tools and software to create floor plans. A floor plan allows you to visualize the arrangement of furniture and other items within the room.

Start with a Blank Canvas

Clear out the space you’ll work on by removing unnecessary clutter and furniture. A blank canvas will make it easier to envision your design ideas and give you a fresh starting point.

Starting with a blank canvas is helpful when embarking on your DIY home decoration journey. It means clearing out the space and creating a clean, empty slate to work with. Here are some steps to follow when starting with a blank canvas:

Clear the Space

Remove all furniture, accessories, and clutter from the room. It allows you to see the space and gives you a fresh perspective.

Clean and Prepare

Clean the room thoroughly, including dusting, vacuuming, and wiping surfaces. Repair any damaged walls, flooring, or fixtures, and certify the space is in good condition for your new design.

Evaluate the Architecture

Look closely at the room’s architectural features, such as windows, doors, and moldings. Consider how these elements can be incorporated into your design or if any modifications are needed.

Choose a Color Scheme

Selecting a color scheme is a crucial step in DIY home decoration. Colors can set the mood and atmosphere of a room. Decide on a color palette that reflects your style and preferences. Consider factors such as natural lighting, the size of the room, and the desired ambiance.

Choosing a color scheme is a crucial step in DIY home decoration as it sets the tone and atmosphere of a room. Here are several guidelines to help you choose the right color scheme for your space:

Consider the Room’s Purpose

Think about the function of the room and the mood you want to create. Different colors remind different emotions and can influence the overall ambiance. For example, warm and earthy tones like browns and beiges can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, while cool blues and greens can support a sense of calm and tranquility.

Take Inspiration from Existing Elements

Look at the existing elements in the room, such as furniture, flooring, and architectural features. Take note of their colors and consider how they can influence your color scheme. You can choose colors that complement these elements or create contrast for a dramatic effect.

Furniture and Layout

Evaluate your existing furniture and decide what can be kept, repurposed, or replaced. Consider the functionality, comfort, and scale of each piece. Experiment with different furniture arrangements to find the best layout for your space.

When it comes to DIY home decoration, selecting the right furniture and arranging it in a thoughtful layout can significantly impact your space’s overall look and functionality. Here are some tips to guide you:

Assess Your Needs

Consider how you plan to use the space and the specific furniture requirements. For example, a living room may need seating options like a sofa, armchairs, and a coffee table, while a bedroom may require a bed, nightstands, and a dresser. Prioritize functionality based on your lifestyle and preferences.

Take Measurements

Before purchasing furniture, measure the dimensions of your space to ensure that the pieces you choose fit properly. Consider each item’s height, width, depth, and any doorways, windows, or architectural features that may affect placement.

DIY Projects and Upcycling

Get creative and explore DIY projects to add unique and personalized touches to your home. Repurpose old furniture, create artwork, or make decorative items using your existing materials. DIY projects add character to your space and allow you to save money and reduce waste.

DIY projects and upcycling are excellent ways to add a personal touch and unique character to your home decor. They allow you to create custom pieces and promote sustainability by repurposing existing items. Here are some ideas to inspire your DIY endeavors:

Furniture Upcycling

Transform old or worn-out furniture into stylish and functional pieces. Sand and repaint or refinish wooden furniture to give it a fresh look. Consider reupholstering chairs or sofas with new fabric to match your decor style. You can also repurpose items like old doors or crates to create unique coffee tables or shelving units.

Decorative Wall Art

Get creative with wall art by making your own. Paintings, wall hangings, and photo displays can be crafted using various materials such as canvas, reclaimed wood, or even repurposed objects. Explore different painting techniques and collage-making, or create a gallery wall using framed photographs and artwork.


Remember, DIY home decoration is an opportunity to unleash your creativity and make your home reflect your unique style. Enjoy the process, be open to learning, and don’t be afraid to take risks. And if you find yourself wanting to deepen your knowledge and skills in interior design, consider enrolling in an interior design course or program at a recognized institution. Numerous colleges and academies offer interior design courses to help you further refine your skills and expertise.

By enrolling in an interior design and decoration course, you’ll gain knowledge and skills that will help you confidently approach DIY projects and enhance your understanding of design concepts.



Think Interior

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