Do’s of Texture and Pattern: Adding Depth and Visual Interest

Think Interior
7 min readJun 17, 2023


Regarding interior design, texture, and pattern are crucial in creating a visually appealing and engaging space. You can add depth, dimension, and visual interest to your interiors by incorporating various textures and patterns. Whether aiming for a cozy and warm ambiance or a bold and eclectic statement, understanding the dos of texture and pattern can help you achieve the desired effect.

You can learn about texture and pattern in interior design, including how to add depth and visual interest, through an interior design academy. Here are some guidelines to follow when incorporating texture and pattern into your design:

Start with a Neutral Foundation

Establish a neutral base for your space, such as a solid-colored wall or flooring. It provides a clean canvas that allows textures and patterns to stand out without overwhelming the overall design.

Mix Different Textures

Experiment with a variety of textures to create a rich and layered look. Combine smooth surfaces with rough ones, such as pairing a plush velvet sofa with a rustic wooden coffee table. This contrast adds tactile interest and creates a dynamic visual experience.

One of the essential dos of incorporating texture and pattern into your interior design is to mix different textures. Mixing textures adds depth, visual interest, and a tactile experience to your space. Combining various textures creates a dynamic and inviting environment that stimulates the senses.

To effectively mix textures, select materials that offer contrasting tactile qualities. Consider smooth and sleek surfaces, rough and rustic elements, soft and cozy textiles, and natural or organic materials. Combining these different textures creates a visually compelling composition that adds richness and complexity to your design.

For example, pair a smooth leather sofa with a chunky knit throw, or place a sleek glass coffee table on a woven jute rug. Combine the rough texture of exposed brick walls with the softness of plush cushions on a velvet armchair. Mix the natural textures of wood and stone with the smoothness of polished metal accents. The key is to balance contrasting textures to create a harmonious and cohesive look.

Consider Scale and Proportion

Pay attention to the scale and proportion of your chosen textures and patterns. Opt for larger-scale patterns in spacious areas, while smaller-scale patterns work well in more confined spaces. Mixing different scales can create a sense of balance and harmony within the room.

Consider scale and proportion when incorporating texture and pattern into your interior design. Scale refers to the mass of the elements in the overall space, while proportion refers to how the elements relate. By carefully considering scale and proportion, you can create a visually pleasing and harmonious composition that highlights the beauty of texture and pattern.

To begin, assess the scale of your space and the furniture and accessories within it. Choose textures and patterns that are appropriate for the size of the room. You can incorporate bolder and more intricate patterns in a larger space without overwhelming the area. On the other hand, in a smaller space, it’s best to opt for smaller-scale patterns or use texture in a more subtle way to avoid making the room feel cramped.

Consider the proportion of the textures and patterns you choose. Aim for a balanced distribution of visual weight throughout the space. For example, if you have a large patterned wallpaper, balance it with simpler, more understated textures and patterns in other elements such as furniture, rugs, or accessories. It helps create a harmonious and visually pleasing arrangement.

Create Contrast

Contrast is key when it comes to texture and pattern. Pairing different textures and patterns that contrast with each other adds visual excitement and prevents the space from appearing monotonous. For example, combine a sleek, glossy surface with a rough, textured fabric for a captivating juxtaposition.

Textural Contrast

Incorporate a mix of textures that vary in tactile quality. Pair smooth and sleek surfaces with rough and textured ones. For example, combine a plush velvet sofa with a rustic wooden coffee table or juxtapose a smooth ceramic vase with a knitted throw blanket. The contrasting textures create a rich sensory experience and add depth to the overall design.

Pattern Play

Introduce patterns that contrast with each other in terms of scale, style, or motif. For instance, pair a large-scale geometric pattern with a small-scale floral print or mix a bold graphic pattern with a subtle striped design. The contrast between patterns adds visual interest and creates a focal point within the space.

Color Contrast

Combine colors that are opposite or contrasting on the color wheel. For example, pair warm tones like oranges and yellows with cool tones like blues and greens. The juxtaposition of contrasting colors creates a vibrant and dynamic visual impact. You can incorporate color contrast through textiles, accessories, or accent walls.

Balance Boldness

When incorporating bold patterns, such as geometric or floral designs, balance them with more subdued elements to avoid overwhelming the space. Use solid-colored accessories or furniture to provide a visual break and allow the patterns to shine as focal points.

Focal Point

Choose one or two areas or elements within a space to showcase bold textures or patterns. It could be a statement wall with textured wallpaper, a vibrant patterned area rug, or a bold piece of furniture. Focusing on specific areas creates visual interest without overwhelming the entire space.

Gradual Intensity

Gradually increase the intensity of textures or patterns as you move through the space. Start with subtle textures or patterns in the background, such as textured cushions or a soft geometric pattern on curtains. Then, gradually introduce bolder textures or patterns as accents, like a textured accent chair or a statement wallpaper in a smaller space.

Harmonious Color Palette

Ensure that the colors within your chosen textures or patterns are complementary and harmonious. Opt for a cohesive color palette that ties the different elements together. It allows for a seamless transition between bold and subtle textures or patterns, creating a visually pleasing and cohesive design.

Layer with Textiles

Textiles (rugs, curtains, and throw pillows) are excellent tools for adding texture and pattern to your space. Layering different fabrics and patterns can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Mix and match textures like linen, wool, and fur to add warmth and depth.

Mix Textures

Combine different textures to add depth and dimension to your space. Mix smooth and silky fabrics with rough and textured ones. For example, pair a plush velvet sofa with a chunky knit throw or layer a woven rug over a sleek hardwood floor. The contrast between different textures creates visual interest and makes the space more visually appealing.

Play with Patterns

Introduce patterns through textiles to add visual interest and create a focal point. Mix and match patterns of varying scales, ensuring a cohesive color palette. For example, combine a bold geometric patterned rug with floral patterned cushions or incorporate a striped throw blanket on a solid-colored armchair. The key is to find a balance between different patterns to create a cohesive and harmonious look.

Consider Scale

Please pay attention to the scale of your textiles and how they relate to the size of the furniture and the overall space. Larger furniture can handle larger patterns, while smaller accessories like cushions and throws can feature smaller-scale patterns. It helps create a sense of proportion and balance in the room.

Create Visual Flow

Consider how textures and patterns flow from one area of the space to another. Continuity and cohesion are important for a harmonious design. Use repeating patterns or complementary textures to establish a sense of visual flow throughout the room.

Visual flow is essential in interior design as it helps guide the eye through space and creates a sense of harmony and cohesiveness. When it comes to adding texture and pattern, here are some dos to ensure a smooth visual flow:

Repeat Patterns

Use repeated patterns throughout the space to establish a sense of rhythm and continuity. It can be achieved through patterned textiles such as cushions, curtains, or wallpaper. Repeating patterns creates a visual connection between different elements in the room, allowing the eye to move effortlessly from one area to another.

Gradual Transition

When incorporating different textures and patterns, ensure a gradual transition between them. Start with larger-scale patterns or bolder textures in one area and gradually introduce smaller or more subtle textures in adjacent spaces. This gradual transition helps create a seamless flow without overwhelming the eye.

Color Coordination

Coordinate the colors of the textures and patterns you incorporate to maintain a cohesive look. Desire a color palette that complements each other and ensures a harmonious blend. Using colors that work well together creates a sense of harmony and flow throughout the space.


By following these dos of texture and pattern, you can transform your interiors into visually captivating and inviting spaces. Remember to strike a balance, consider scale and proportion, and experiment with different materials and finishes. Embrace the power of texture and pattern to add depth, visual interest, and personality to your design, making your space unique.

Moreover, home interior design schools online often offer guidance and feedback from experienced instructors who can provide valuable insights and help you extend your skills in using texture and pattern effectively.



Think Interior

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