Do’s of Accessorizing: Adding Personality to Your Interiors

Think Interior
7 min readFeb 11, 2024


The art of accessorizing is a powerful tool in interior design, transforming spaces from mundane to captivating. Accessories play an essential part in adding personality, warmth, and individuality to interiors.

You can certainly learn about accessorizing and adding personality to interiors through an interior design course. This article explores the essential do’s of accessorizing, guiding you through the process of enhancing your living spaces with thoughtful and meaningful elements.

Understanding the Basics of Accessorizing

Accessorizing is an art that involves the strategic placement of decorative elements to enhance the visual appeal of a space. To grasp the basics of accessorizing, it’s essential to consider various aspects:

Function and Purpose

Begin by understanding the purpose of each accessory. Some accessories serve a purely aesthetic function, while others may be functional and decorative. For example, throw pillows on a sofa can provide both comfort and style.

Scale and Proportion

Pay attention to the scale of accessories in relation to the furniture and the general size of the room. Balancing the scale ensures that accessories neither dominate nor get lost in the space.

Color Harmony

Consider the color format of the room and choose accessories that complement or contrast with existing colors. A well-coordinated color palette creates a cohesive and harmonious look.

Texture and Material

Introduce variety through texture and materials. Mixing different textures, such as smooth metals with soft fabrics or rough textures, adds depth and tactile interest to the design.

Balance and Symmetry: Achieve a sense of equilibrium by distributing accessories evenly throughout the space. Symmetry in arrangement can create a polished and organized look, while asymmetry can bring in a more relaxed and dynamic feel.

Style Consistency

Maintain a consistent style or theme with your accessories to ensure a unified look. Whether it’s contemporary, traditional, or eclectic, adherence to a chosen style enhances the overall aesthetic.

Understanding these basics lays the foundation for effective accessorizing. It empowers you to make informed choices that contribute to the overall design harmony and aesthetics of your interiors.

Choosing the Right Accessories

Selecting the right accessories is a crucial step in the art of interior design, as it can significantly impact the general ambiance of a space. Here are vital considerations when choosing accessories:

Theme and Style

Ensure that accessories align with the theme and style of the room. Whether it’s contemporary, vintage, or eclectic, accessories should complement the established design concept.


Infuse your personality into the space by choosing accessories that resonate with you. Consider items that hold sentimental value or reflect your interests and hobbies.

Color Palette

Harmonize accessories with the existing color palette of the room. Opt for colors that either contest or complement the dominant hues, creating a cohesive and visually pleasing environment.

Texture and Material

Diversify the tactile experience by incorporating accessories with various textures and materials. Mix soft fabrics, such as cushions and throws, with hard surfaces like metallic or wooden elements for a balanced composition.

Statement Pieces

Introduce statement accessories that draw attention and become focal points within the room. These can include unique art pieces, sculptures, or distinctive lighting fixtures.

By carefully choosing accessories that align with these considerations, you can elevate the design of your interiors, infusing character and charm into every corner of the space.

Personalization and Individual Style

One of the essential aspects of accessorizing in interior design is the ability to personalize the space, infusing it with individual style and character. Here’s a closer look at the significance of personalization when selecting accessories:

Reflection of Personality

Accessories provide a unique opportunity to showcase your personality and tell your story. Choose items that resonate with you, whether they hold sentimental value, reflect your hobbies, or capture your interests. It not only enhances the visual appeal of the space but also creates a homey and authentic atmosphere.

Customized Artwork and Decor

Consider incorporating customized or handmade artwork and decor pieces. It could include personalized photo frames, custom-made art, or crafted items that align with your taste. These elements add a distinct touch and make the space uniquely yours.

Memories and Sentiments

Accessories can be powerful reminders of special moments and experiences. Displaying items with sentimental value, such as travel souvenirs, family heirlooms, or gifts from loved ones, brings an emotional connection to the interior. It transforms the space into a reflection of your life journey.

Color Preferences

Personalization extends to color choices. Select accessories in colors that resonate with you and evoke positive emotions. Whether it’s vibrant and energetic tones or calming, muted hues, infusing your preferred color palette adds a personal touch to the design.

Mixing Styles

Don’t be afraid to mix styles that represent your eclectic taste. Combining vintage finds with contemporary pieces or integrating cultural influences can create a personalized and diverse interior. The key is to curate a collection that feels authentic to you.

In essence, personalization through accessories allows you to make your mark on the space, turning it into a reflection of your identity. By incorporating elements that hold personal significance, you not only enhance the aesthetics but also create a home that feels uniquely and comfortably yours.

Placement and Arrangement Techniques

Strategic placement and thoughtful arrangement of accessories are fundamental aspects of interior design that can significantly impact the general look and feel of a space. Here’s a detailed exploration of placement and arrangement techniques when accessorizing:

Balance and Symmetry

Achieving balance and Symmetry in accessory placement contributes to a visually pleasing and harmonious design. Consider arranging accessories in pairs or symmetrical groupings to create a sense of equilibrium. It can be particularly effective on mantels, shelves, or tabletops.


Introduce depth and dimension by layering accessories. It involves placing items of varying heights, sizes, and textures in a way that adds visual interest. For instance, layering can be achieved by placing a tall vase behind a shorter decorative object or by overlapping framed artwork.

Focal Points

Use accessories to create focal points within a room. Draw attention to definite areas by strategically placing standout pieces. It could be a statement artwork, a unique sculpture, or a bold decorative item. Focal points serve as visual anchors, guiding the eye and adding emphasis to particular elements.

Grouping Similar Items

Grouping similar items can create a cohesive and curated look. Consider arranging accessories with a common theme, such as items from the same color palette, material, or style. This technique provides a sense of unity and purpose to the arrangement.

Asymmetry for Visual Interest

While Symmetry can be appealing, asymmetry adds an element of surprise and visual interest. Experiment with asymmetrical arrangements by placing accessories in an intentionally irregular manner. It can create a more dynamic and less predictable aesthetic.

Functional Placement

Consider the functionality of the space when placing accessories. In areas where people gather, ensure that accessories do not obstruct movement or conversation. Place functional items, such as decorative storage solutions, where they serve both a practical and aesthetic purpose.

Seasonal Rotation

Keep the design fresh by rotating accessories seasonally. Swap out items based on the time of year or upcoming holidays. It not only allows for a dynamic and ever-evolving design but also prevents the space from feeling stagnant.

By mastering these placement and arrangement techniques, you can transform a collection of accessories into a curated and well-balanced design. Whether you’re aiming for Symmetry, asymmetry, or a combination of both, thoughtful arrangement enhances the visual appeal and functionality of the space.

Learning: Mastering the Art of Accessorizing

Embarking on the journey to master the art of accessorizing is a valuable skill for any aspiring interior designer. While formal education provides a solid foundation, continuous learning is crucial for staying abreast of evolving design trends and refining one’s expertise. Here are key strategies for mastering the art of accessorizing, especially for those seeking the most cost-effective education:

Virtual Workshops and Webinars

Attend virtual workshops and webinars conducted by seasoned interior designers. These sessions often provide real-world examples, expert tips, and interactive components that facilitate active learning. Seek out affordable or accessible options to make the most of your budget.

Community Learning Platforms

Explore community learning platforms that host discussions, share resources, and foster collaboration among interior design enthusiasts. Engaging with a community allows you to exchange thoughts, seek advice, and learn from the experiences of others.

DIY Projects and Challenges

Challenge yourself with do-it-yourself (DIY) projects that involve accessorizing. These hands-on endeavors not only reinforce theoretical knowledge but also enhance your practical skills. Document your projects and seek feedback from peers or mentors.

Budget-Friendly Design Books

Invest in budget-friendly interior design books that delve into the nuances of accessorizing. Many well-respected authors and designers share their insights, making books a cost-effective way to expand your knowledge base.

Internships and Mentorships

Explore internship opportunities or seek mentorship from experienced interior designers. Practical experience alongside seasoned professionals provides invaluable insights into the industry and allows you to observe effective accessorizing in real-world scenarios.

Cheapest Online Interior Design Degree

Consider enrolling in the cheapest online interior design degree programs. These programs often cover a comprehensive range of design principles, including accessorizing, and offer a structured curriculum for a well-rounded education.

By combining formal education with continuous, budget-conscious learning strategies, you can master the art of accessorizing and develop a well-rounded skill set in interior design. The journey to proficiency is ongoing, and embracing a variety of learning avenues ensures a dynamic and adaptable approach to design challenges.


The accessorizing forms a blueprint for infusing personality into your interiors. Through a blend of understanding the basics, thoughtful selection, personalization, strategic placement, and ongoing learning, you can elevate your interior design skills. Accessorizing becomes not just a decor choice but a means of storytelling, making your living spaces genuinely unique.



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