“Creating the Perfect Space: The Fundamentals of Interior Design”

Think Interior
6 min readMar 14, 2023


Interior design is an art that involves creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. Whether decorating your home, office, or any other space, interior design can help you achieve a cohesive and inviting environment.

You can learn about creating the perfect space and the fundamentals of interior design through an interior design academy. Many interior design academies offer courses and programs covering space planning, color theory, furniture selection, lighting design, and more. These courses are planned to offer students a comprehensive understanding of the principles of interior design and the skills needed to create beautiful and functional spaces. In this article, we will discover the fundamentals of interior design and how you can use them to create the perfect space.

Understand Your Space

Before starting any design project, it’s essential to understand the space you will be working. It includes analyzing the size, shape, and layout of the room, as well as the natural light sources and the function of the space. Understanding the space will help you make informed decisions about furniture placement, color schemes, and other design elements. Understanding your space is a crucial first step in any interior design project. It means taking into account the size and shape of the room, as well as any architectural features or limitations that may impact the design. It also means considering the existing furniture and decor and deciding what elements you want to keep and what you want to replace or update. Additionally, consider the space’s natural lighting and any artificial lighting that may be needed.

Establish a Focal Point

A focal point is a critical element in the room that draws the eye and creates a sense of visual interest. It could be a fireplace, artwork, or even a statement piece. Once you have established a focal point, you can build the rest of the design around it, using complementary colors, textures, and patterns. Establishing a focal point is an essential element in interior design. A focal point is a specific area or feature of a room that draws the eye and creates visual interest. It can be achieved through color, texture, lighting, or the arrangement of furniture and decor. The focal point can be a striking piece of artwork, a unique piece of furniture, or a standout architectural feature, such as a fireplace or a large window. By establishing a focal point, you can create a sense of balance and harmony in the space and draw attention to the area you want to highlight.

Choose a Color Scheme

Color is an essential part of interior design, as it can influence mood, energy, and the overall atmosphere of a space. When choosing a color scheme, consider the mood you want to create and how the colors will work together. A monochromatic color scheme, for example, uses different shades of the same color to create a harmonious and calming effect. In contrast, a complementary color scheme uses opposite colors on the color wheel to form a vibrant and energetic atmosphere. Choosing a color scheme is a critical aspect of interior design. Colors can influence mood, emotion, and behavior, so selecting colors that complement the function of the space and your style is essential. There are several ways to choose a color scheme, including using a monochromatic scheme that focuses on variations of one color, a complementary scheme that uses colors opposite to the color wheel, or an analogous scheme that uses colors adjacent to the color wheel. When selecting a color scheme, it’s essential to consider the amount of natural light the space receives and the size of the room. For smaller spaces, lighter colors can make the room appear more spacious, while darker colors can create a more intimate atmosphere in larger spaces.

Select Appropriate Furniture

Furniture is crucial to any interior design project, providing function and style. Selecting furniture, consider the scale and proportion of the room as the style and color scheme of the design. Furniture should be arranged for easy movement and conversation and should also be chosen based on the space’s specific needs. Selecting appropriate furniture is a critical aspect of interior design. Furniture should be functional and aesthetically pleasing and complement the space’s overall design. Selecting furniture, consider the size and shape of the room, the function of the space, and the needs of the people who will be using it. Choosing furniture that is the appropriate scale for the room and allows for easy traffic flow is essential. The material and color of the furniture should also complement the overall color scheme and design aesthetic. Consider the strength and maintenance requirements of the furniture and any environmental considerations such as sustainability or eco-friendliness.

Add Accessories

Accessories are the finishing touches that combine a design and make it feel complete. It could include throwing pillows, rugs, curtains, artwork, and lighting fixtures. Accessories should be chosen based on the space’s overall style and should complement the color scheme and furniture choices. Accessories are a great way to enhance and personalize any outfit. Whether it’s a statement necklace, a bold bracelet, a trendy hat, or a stylish scarf, the right accessory can make a significant impact. Not only do accessories add visual interest and flair to an outfit, but they can also serve a practical purpose, such as keeping you warm, protecting your eyes from the sun, or holding your essentials. Additionally, accessories can be an affordable way to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank. Investing in a few versatile pieces, you can mix and match them with different outfits to create various looks.

Maintain Balance

Balance is a fundamental principle of interior design and refers to the distribution of visual weight in a space. A balanced room feels harmonious and comfortable, with no one element overpowering the others. Maintaining balance is essential for both physical and mental well-being. Physical balance refers to the ability to maintain a stable posture and avoid falls, while mental balance is the ability to manage stress and emotions effectively. A healthy diet and good hydration are also crucial for maintaining physical balance.


The first and most important aspect of interior design is functionality. Before selecting colors or furniture, you must determine the space’s use. Consider the needs of the people using the space, including any limitations or special requirements they may have. For example, if you are designing a bedroom, you need to study the size of the bed, the amount of storage space required, and the need for any special features like a desk or sitting area.

Traffic Flow

Once you have determined the function of the space, the next step is to consider traffic flow. It refers to how people move through space and interact with its various elements. A well-designed space should have a natural flow that allows people to move quickly from one area to another without feeling cramped or restricted. You can achieve good traffic flow by arranging furniture to encourage movement, using lighting to guide the eye, and ensuring adequate space between furniture and walls.


Color is an essential aspect of interior design, as it can significantly influence the mood and atmosphere of a space. When selecting colors, consider the space’s function and the emotions you want to evoke. For example, warm colors like red and orange can create energy and excitement, while cool colors like blue and green can promote relaxation and calm. You can also use neutral colors like beige, gray, and white to create a clean, modern look or as a backdrop for more vibrant accents.


Lighting is another crucial element of interior design, as it can dramatically affect the mood and functionality of a space. The three main lighting types are ambient, task, and accent. Ambient lighting provides overall illumination for a space, while task lighting focuses on areas where work or other activities occur. Accent lighting is used to climax decorative elements or create visual interest. A well-designed lighting scheme should incorporate all three types of lighting to form a balanced and functional space.


Texture is the final element of interior design and refers to how surfaces and materials feel and look. Texture can add visual interest to a space and create a sense of depth and dimension. Consider using a mix of textures to add interest and variation. You can also use texture to create a sense of warmth and coziness, such as by incorporating soft fabrics like wool or velvet into your design.


Interior design is a multifaceted field that requires a careful balance of art and science. You can form a beautiful and functional space by considering the fundamentals of functionality, traffic flow, color, lighting, and texture. Whether you are designing a home or office, these principles can guide you toward a successful design that meets your needs and reflects your style.

Overall, a home interior design school online can be an excellent way to learn about the fundamentals of interior design and gain the skills and knowledge needed to create beautiful and functional spaces. You can turn your passion for interior design into a rewarding career with the proper education and training.



Think Interior

Think Interior provides you with the highest standards of education in interior design to enhance your ability of creating ideas.