A Timeline of Interior Design: Key Events and Milestones

Think Interior
6 min readJan 4, 2023


Interior design involves creating a healthy, aesthetically pleasing atmosphere through colors, textures, lighting, and other elements to make a space inviting and functional for those who occupy it. It involves the planning, coordination, and execution of design elements such as color, lighting, and materials to create functional and visually appealing areas. When we talk about the history of interior design, we see that the field of interior design has a long and varied history, with influences from various cultures and periods. However, there were no interior design academy or schools where professionals and beginners could learn the basics of this field. They learned interior design through their own experiences or apprenticeship.

In this article, we will look at the major influences that have contributed to the evolution of interior design over time and continue to influence how we design and use spaces today. So, let’s explore the fascinating history of interior design and how it has developed over time. Interior design and see how it has evolved.

Prehistoric Times

we can find the earliest examples of interior design in prehistoric cave paintings, which depict the use of color and essential design elements in decorative and functional objects. These paintings show people’s innate desire to create and embellish their surroundings, even in prehistoric times.

Prehistoric cave paintings are some of the earliest examples of interior design. We can find these paintings in caves around the world.

While the techniques and materials used in prehistoric interior design were quite basic, these early examples demonstrate the fundamental principles of interior design that continue to be relevant today, for example, the use of color to create mood and incorporate functional elements into the design.

Prehistoric cave paintings also provide insight into prehistoric societies’ daily lives and cultural practices. They depict various subjects, from animals and landscapes to hunting and everyday activities.

Prehistoric cave paintings may be humble in comparison to more contemporary styles, but they represent the beginning of the long and varied history of the field of interior design and serve as a reminder of the enduring importance of innovation in our lives.

Ancient Civilizations

The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians made significant contributions to the field of interior design with their sophisticated use of color, materials, and spatial planning in designing buildings, furniture, and decorative objects.

The ancient Greeks’ mathematical and philosophical beliefs influenced symmetry and proportion in their designs. They also made extensive use of columns, which were not only functional but also added to the decorative elements of their buildings.

The ancient Romans and Greeks were known for their grand, luxurious style, which incorporated luxurious materials such as marble, gold, and mosaics. Marble was famous for constructing buildings, statues, and decorative objects due to its durability and versatility. The ancient Greeks used various marble types, including white, black, and red, and often adorned their buildings with intricate marble carvings and reliefs.

Gold was also a popular material in ancient Greek interior design and was used to create various decorative objects, such as vases, jewelry, and even furniture. The ancient Greeks believed that gold symbolized wealth, power, and divinity and used it extensively in their decorative schemes.

Mosaics were another popular choice in ancient Greek interior design and were used to create intricate and colorful patterns on the floors and walls of buildings. The ancient Greeks used a variety of materials to create their mosaics, including stone, glass, and ceramic tiles and often depicted scenes from mythology or everyday life. These materials remain popular today due to their timeless beauty and enduring appeal.

They also made extensive use of the arch, which allowed them to create large, open spaces with a sense of grandeur. The religion and mythology of the ancient Egyptians inspired their use of color and elaborate decorative motifs. They also extensively used materials such as bronze and stone in their decorative objects and furniture.

Generally, the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, and Egypt made significant contributions to the field of interior design. These contributions continue to influence the way we design and use spaces today.

Medieval Europe

During the Middle Ages, interior design was primarily focused on functionality, with little emphasis on aesthetics. Homes were designed to be practical and functional rather than decorative, and furniture was often available rather than fashionable.

However, the Gothic style, which emerged in the 12th century, introduced new design elements such as pointed arches and stained glass windows. These elements added a sense of drama and grandeur to buildings and served as an essential precursor to the ornate styles that would emerge in later periods.

Overall, while the medieval interior design was primarily focused on functionality, the emergence of the Gothic style marked the beginning of a shift towards more decorative and ornate design elements.

The Renaissance

Beginning in the 14th century, The Renaissance marked a renewed interest in classical design principles and a return to more ornate and decorative styles. This period also saw the emergence of professional architects and designers, who began to work on larger, more complex projects, and a revival of interest in ancient Greece and Rome’s art and architecture, emphasizing symmetry, balance, and proportion. This period was characterized by an emphasis on craftsmanship and attention to detail, focusing on creating beautiful and functional spaces.

Overall, the Renaissance marked a significant turning point in the history of interior design, with a renewed focus on classical design principles and the emergence of professional architects and designers who learned how to self-teach interior design. These developments laid the foundation for the more specialized and sophisticated design approaches that would emerge later.

The Industrial Revolution

During this time, the world experienced rapid growth in industry and technology, which significantly impacted the field of interior design.

It brought new materials and technologies to the field of interior design, such as machine-made furniture and mass-produced decorative objects. During the Industrial Revolution, new materials such as glass and steel became more readily available, and architects and designers began to use these materials in their designs. This led to the emergence of new styles and approaches to design, such as the Modernist movement, which focused on functionality and simplicity.

This period also saw the emergence of interior design as a separate profession, with the establishment of the first interior design schools and professional associations and a shift away from the ornate and decorative styles of the past towards more utilitarian and practical designs. These developments allowed interior designers to specialize in a specific design aspect, such as lighting or color, and gain recognition and respect as professionals.

Modern and Contemporary Styles

The 20th century saw the emergence of various modern and contemporary styles, including Art Deco, Mid-Century Modern, and Minimalism. They characterized these styles by using new materials, such as plastics and stainless steel, and incorporating new technologies, such as lighting and home automation.

Art Deco, which emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, is characterized by its geometric shapes, bold colors, and use of luxury materials such as glass, marble, and chrome. This style is inspired by various influences, including ancient Egyptian and Aztec art, and is known for its glamorous and opulent aesthetic.

Mid-Century Modern, which emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, is characterized by its clean lines, simplicity, and use of natural materials such as wood and stone. This style is inspired by the Bauhaus movement and is known for its focus on functionality and minimalism.

Minimalism, which emerged in the late 20th century, is characterized by its clean lines, simple shapes, and neutral color palette. This style is known for its focus on simplicity and functionality and is characterized by a minimalist aesthetic emphasizing open space and natural light.

The modern and contemporary styles also placed a greater emphasis on functionality and simplicity, with a focus on creating clean, uncluttered spaces. Various factors influenced these styles, including technological advances, social and cultural changes, and the emergence of new design philosophies.


The field of interior design has a long and varied history, with influences from various cultures and periods. From the earliest examples of prehistoric cave paintings to today’s modern and contemporary styles, interior design has evolved and adapted to meet society’s changing needs and preferences.

Various influences have impacted interior design throughout history, including advances in materials and technologies, cultural and social changes, and the emergence of new design philosophies. These influences have contributed to the development of the field and continue to shape how we design and use spaces today.

The history of interior design is a fascinating journey through the decades, with each period leaving its mark on the field and shaping its evolution. Whether you are a designer or simply someone who loves to create and decorate spaces, the history of interior design is a rich and rewarding subject that offers endless inspiration and insights.



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